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When to use indexes
Published on February 9, 2005 By woodsix In Internet
Don't over use and don't under-use indexing.

Indexing is used for common searches. This includes searches performed by user, or by a program, to link records together.

If it is necessary to find customer information quickly, index the fields. This allows quick retrieval of the information. Know the types of information requiring fast retrieval.

Intranet solutions Inventory Software Asset tracking software information management report viewer

Think of common, everyday, tasks requiring fast interaction. These are fields to index. Do not index a birthday or salutation field. Index a last name, or date field.

Date fields are common query fields for reporting on daily activities. Determine what are the main fields you need to do business on a hour by hour, or minute by minute, basis and index them.

on Feb 09, 2005
You need to learn how to NOT spam the boards. Hopefully your posting privledges get revoked.
on Feb 09, 2005
What happened? Looks like somebody added a URL Filter to his post....YAY!!!! for our side!
on Feb 09, 2005
I find that site maps are useful too.

Off topic...
Oh my turn:
Go to my site about internet/TV advertising, media marketing, business, shopping deal, money tips and more!!!!

on Feb 09, 2005
Hopefully your posting privledges get revoked.I agree
on Feb 09, 2005
no nono, wait!!! I was just joking!
can't a person just show love to wincustomize by showing you with my website over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over abd over and over and over again?

Well, I just thought it was useful, that's all.

Love live Search Advertising!!
joeKnowledge runs out the thread REALLY fast so no one catches him
on Feb 09, 2005
I'll lock this one...see if you notice THIS time that your spam is still not desired on