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What makes an affiliate program attractive?
Published on February 4, 2005 By woodsix In Internet
Intranet software NY
Business software LA
Intranet software LA
Business software NY

One important thing to add is the choice of affiliate program. I've been thinking of this and have come up with a conclusion based on what affiliate programs are generating sales from time to time.
The recipe has two ingredients and here it is:

Intranet software NY
Business software LA
Intranet software LA
Business software NY

1 portion of good content
1 portion of good design

Mix the two ingredients and remove everything that is similar to spam. That is the landing page should have a good mix of formatting to make it well organized and easy to read and it should look like it has been spent much work and effort. Not to much of screaming red & yellow text. The page should have a mix of commercial feeling and a big chunk of content but not to much content.

Intranet software NY
Business software LA
Intranet software LA
Business software NY

It should have testimonials, picture of the author and so on and so forth.

on Feb 04, 2005
This is SPAM.... Why are you posting SPAM here?
on Feb 04, 2005