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Why do dimensions exist in GRML?
Published on December 5, 2004 By woodsix In Internet
Before GRML existed, one of its initial requirements was to support dimensions. As the web front-end was being developed, it was being used to download weather information. Unlike search results, weather information is layered. Do a search for a zip code in a search engine, it returns a set of results. Do a search for a zip code using a weather web site, it returns different sets of results.

Given a zip code, a weather website returns weather at different times of the day, weather forecasts for the week, historical temps, and current temps for cities around the region. To display this information using one file requires dimensions.

These GRML web browsers have dimension support.

Bar Graph MDI (GRML web browsers)
Headlines MDI (GRML web browsers)
Pioneer Report MDI (GRML web browsers)
Tree MDI (GRML web browsers)

A blog about bar graphs...

Bar Graph MDI (bar graphs, GRML web browsers)

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