Information from the website.
The following are articles on GRML, CSV, and delimited files and web pages.
MDI is multi-document interface and supports multiple windows in the interface.
SDI is single-document interface and supports only one window in the interface.
Introducing Browsers ... An introduction to MDI and SDI file and web browsers using GRML, CSV, and delimited files and web pages.
Introducing GRML (web browsers) ... Introduces the General Reuse Markup Language and explains why it was created.
Understanding GRML ... Explains the creation and development of the markup language and how it reached its current form.
Using GRML ... Provides examples and introduces Pioneer Report MDI when used with General Reuse Markup Language.
Converting HTML .... Describes converting an HTML web page to GRML. It covers extracting hyperlinks and images.
Examining GRML ... Lists the different uses of file and web browsers used with GRML, CSV, and delimited files and web pages.
Using CSV and Delimited formats ... An explanation of the comma separated values (CSV) and delimited formats in files and web pages.